Looking back - post up some pictures

Somewhere tucked away I have a great assortment of pictures of CA and how it’s grown and changed. This one is from three years ago when CA was tucked into the purple classroom. Yup, that’s it



So what was in the current Creative Arts, back then?

@william_petefish game station and odds and ends. I’ll see what I can find.

Then Nicole the Great went on conquering spree:

  • First the Fortress of Solitude fell to her as she claimed the throne. Like Tolkien’s Dark Lord she gathered minions to her dispensing sweet calories at monthly feasts and cast others out … Jewelry was banished, like refugees they took their rolling cart immigrated to the desolation of the warehouse.
  • The Silk Screening equipment feel within her of gaze and then sought it to fall within her orbit of control. Wheedling the BoD, in the name of the masses, territory in the storage area was seceded to CA’s elusive dominion and control.
  • Then came CA 2.0! Again, the BoD feel under her glamour and the weight of minutia detailed proposal tomes describing her vision, treasure was granted and goods delivered to the kingdom. The former Land of Solitude became over crowded with Engines of Art. Vassal SIG’s were formed and granted more space and Stainless Shelters in exchange for fealty - they remembered Jewelry’s fate, looked at the table of confections set before them, with full mouths they assented. Her gaze again looked outward and fell upon the peninsula of Interactive. And she did covet it.
  • Again, the now named Red Queen appeared before the Board, her power of glamour undiminished, again more territory granted and a another outpost established.

The Red Queen grew bored and abdicated finding expansion too easy a task … with her penchant for carbomancery she sought to become the purveyor and organizer of communal eats - a position she rules from to this day as she plans more frivolity and calories for the ravenous hoards.


The ping pong table lived there too.


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As did the big lounger chairs and a lot of junk.


Nicole ruthlessly attacked our culture and community building ping pong table. :disappointed_relieved:

I’m kidding, the ping pong table was before it’s time. I really hope we can build more ability in the space for recreation and interaction between members. It offers a lot to the community.

Here are some shots of the Creative Arts room taken in August 2015.


Oh the art-o-Matic that never happened. I drove up to Oklahoma to get that. Damnit.

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I miss the gaming area.

At Ladybird, the gaming area / lounge had some really, really interesting conversations. We do not have an equivalent space at Monetary. The Commons Area is close and not as intimate.

I was not / am not in love with the ping pong table. It takes a huge chunk of space for very few members benefit.

September 12, 2015 - Open House - CA Room

Edit trying to get the full panorama linked… Edit this should work…

Google Photos

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error message

Talk will not let me link to an album in Flickr. Here are the other pictures of the Creative Arts room in August 2015.


I think this is from the weekend we did most of the moving from Purple to the current CA room. It was so much work but very worth it.


Walter really looks like a happy spirit in this picture with that netting on his head. (warm heart moment)
Yes, many hours were put in for the transition.


I felt I was truly welcomed into the DMS community by an anonymous “friend” :wink:

Should have saved that door and made it into a coffee table.


Thunder being unpacked:


How dare you point out cutting a hole in a door meant to be a fire stop as not kosher. At least it was filled with fire resistant glass, o wait that is acrylic and particle board.

DMS Picnic:

Jenga Masters

Now we are talking

Master of pie ceremonies

Ready, Aim, Fire!

All for a good cause

Sad Nichole!

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I do (or do not)

Lots of fried chicken and cereal.

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