I do laser cutting for a living, and as a result I accumulate lots of scrap. It’s all usable sizes for smaller projects, but smaller than what I generally need. I have woods of varying thickness, and almost every color of acrylic. Even specialty acrylics that are hard to get or expensive like mirror, marble, and 1" thick. Feel free to come by at the hours listed below and dig through it, just don’t leave a mess. It’s all on a pallet, so if you want the entire thing, I can forklift it into your vehicle.
Hours: 11am-7pm
Phone: 9722928453, ask for Dakota
Artifacture Studios
2015 Wall Street
Dallas, TX 75215
I want the things but I don’t know enough about laser to know what the things are I should want! That said, I have a spacious hatchback and this is only about 25 minutes away from me if @Team_Laser needs any teaching materials or someone has a dying need for something but can’t go, I believe I’m going to try and stop by tomorrow if possible and could pick stuff up for you. IF POSSIBLE are the most important words here
I can transport the entire pallet to DMS if @Team_Laser wants to handle it on the DMS end after that. It would likely need to be hand unloaded (pallets don’t come off pickups easily).
Ugh. We have little to no storage space for such a generous gift. Vertical storage is gone. All that’s left is the under-table shelf, which is partially being used to store actual items, not just scrap. sigh.
There’s certainly not enough room for the whole pallet, but there is a bit more after purging the trash and a lot of this looks way better(to me who’s got no clue what I’m looking at) than some of the scrap that’s left. If you have a “wish list” and want to take advantage of this generous offer, I’m happy to dig through for things and not leave a mess if I can make it out there before it’s all gone.
That’s an offer hard to refuse, Nate.
Acrylic is extremely popular. It will go like hotcakes.
No mirrors, please.
Stick with woods 1/2" or thinner.
Thank you very much for being willing.
To Everyone Else: Nate - and John @talkers - cut down some of our scrap today into manageable pieces. Yeoman’s work. He knows firsthand what will fit.
I’ll take whatever isn’t claimed yet. I’ll be able to pick it up tomorrow. It’s all learning material for me, and I have room to store it till it’s needed. I can bring a little in each week to fill up the scrap area and I’ll just pull my material from there after I fill it up.
Folks, if there’s a small piece of transparent red I could use it for cutting out some replacement LED covers for a few old Intel SBC86 single board computers. If you could grab one for me it would be much appreciated.
I did not make it Wednesday unfortunately, will you let me know if there’s anything left @dmsfr4nklin I will be able to come by 5/24 if that’s still an option. Thanks again for the generosity
if you havent already gone by I would love it if you could pick up some acrylic or other clear materials. they cant be tinted with colors thats not a problem. if you do this for me ill try to give you a few dollars for gas. i have a spot saved for myself on a shelf in the workshop area, there’s a partially finished chessboard in the spot and a couple of wood scraps. if you leave something for me leave a note behind with your name and number and ill reach out to you about the cash.