Here’s the link!!
Post must be 50 characters… nonsense
Post must be 50 characters… nonsense
Post must be 50 characters… nonsense
Here’s the link!!
Post must be 50 characters… nonsense
Post must be 50 characters… nonsense
Post must be 50 characters… nonsense
There is a separate setup with boundary mics recording the audio of the room. It currently is not running into the live stream. I will upload that file to the committee drive later tonight.
Once the proper cable arrives from amazon I will be able to pipe those mics into the live stream. For now we will have to edit it in after.
Cheers everyone!
Damn, completely unaware there was a board meeting last night. Probably not been able to swim there anyway. I35 from Lewisville was closed both directions several times.
It was crazy on 35E in Lewisville. I had to go to Carrollton to pick up something off of CL and had to take a long circuitous route of back roads.