In this post, we aren’t talking about ATF rules or armchair lawyering over documents, as we have been over it enough in other places. This is about what we actually want to change, specifically, in the DMS Firearm Rules. The board of directors wants to hear from us and wants to setup a meeting to discuss these points. We need to come up with specific changes in the rules and specific questions we want to ask the board.
Here are the current rules:
Please suggest specific changes you would like to see made in these rules or questions you would like to board to answer in the meeting with Hatcher’s Armory.
These are ideas that we can refine into the final wording
I would like the rules to be enumerated as in other parts of the rules. This helps with future improvments and referencing of the rules.
The Reloading sections should not be stated twice, once should be enough.
"These other legal definitions do not control at Dallas Makerspace." This should be restated. It should say that Dallas Makerspace’s defintion of a firearm encompasses that of legal defintions but may be more general or expansive in nature. Legal defintions DO control at DMS and affect us, if we want to remain within the law. Our definitions should at least encompass the legal definitions.
"General advice: If in doubt, do not bring it into DMS. Accidentally bringing a firearm or replica to work on it is not a defense and may result in expulsion." We should allow people to bring in firearms. The first line says, that this doesn’t effect personal carry. This makes it sound like someone might accidentally bring something in and then accidentally work on it and has the additional effect of making things more uncertain.
How about something like this: "General advice: If you want to work on something gun related and you have any doubts to the rules, please do not work on it at Dallas Makerspace."
We should allow working with bullets, casings and other reloading equipment as long as gunpowder and live primers are not used.
We should allow cleaning of guns.
Airsoft guns and other pellet guns should be exempted even if they appear black or similar to firearms in style. There is some confusion in the rules currently. Airsoft guns are not replicas and do not have the same functionality as a firearm.
There should be an exemption for working on parts that may fit on a firearm but are not being used or attached to a firearm. For example, someone should be able to put a barrel guard on their cosplay weapon. There are thousands of such items. These are not dangerous or illegal and do not fit DMS’s definition of a firearm nor are covered by any firearm regulation.
Aside from gunsmithing, how is “work” on a firearm defined?
Sure can be made to sound like working on a firearm.
A foregrip, light, and laser pointer is a firearm too then…
Reading the rule, it seems like DMS has effectively shot down the re-opening of Hatcher’s by limiting it to the theoretical teachings but any actual handling of the subject matter being taught needs to be done off site; but using much more words to say it.
Same goes for suppressors - also doubly prohibited.
I suppose I should clarify myself. Changing the formatting and structure of the rules as passed in order to be more concise (and remove duplication) is all I’m advocating for. I waded through many of the ATF rulings previously and have been around DMS for some time thus reached the same general conclusions that the board did, and thus can appreciate with reluctance the rules that have been passed.
I believe the intent was to prohibit modifying of firearms at the space or at DMS events, including things like gun assembly, refinishing and manufacturing. They believe currently that these things would bring too much trouble to DMS.
That is why we want an exception.
Yes, this needs to be an exception. Or we need to come up with wording that allows these sorts of things.
Yes, they have shot down Hatcher’s Armory in its current form. No reloading and no firearms assembly / gunsmithing / manufacturing. Hatcher’s Armory will have to reinvent itself to continue.