Linear Motor Help

I am looking for someone to help me work on a linear motor. I need some help in the hardware and software world. Audrino is not helping me work through my issues in generating magnetic fields. If anyone can help even with just walking me through where my mistakes are I would appreciate it.

Do you have drawings or instructions you can share so we can get an understanding of your situation?

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Generating your magnetic fields is literally the simplest aspect of what you’re trying to do. Detection, timing, etc. are going to be the harder parts.

Where are you having trouble generating your fields? The Arduino won’t source or sink enough current to make much of an electromagnet. What have you tried so far?

Obviously a linear motor and a coil gun are not the same, but this may provide a few ideas:


Basically I am struggling with 3 stage programming verses 2 stage. I can probably bypass the audrino board but may need it at some point.