Lincoln or Miller worth the cost?

Continuing the discussion from [Resolved]Lincoln Squarewave 200 - no internal fan noise/no gas flow - 13 Aug 2018:

Starting a new thread, as I&R is not appropriate for discussion.

You’re right, but how many times has this unit already failed? This is not an inexpensive machine ($1700), and the quality seems to be lacking.

Let’s keep this in mind the next time we have the opportunity to add to our machines. A less expensive, not-red and not-blue, machine with the same warranty period might be a better investment.

Let’s also keep this in mind if selling the Miller 251 ever comes back up. Since we don’t move it, portability isn’t an issue.

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The Miller is going anywhere. I submitted the power requirements for it for the expansion. It is however a power hog. 100 amps at 208 or 46 at 460. Its also functional as @malcolmputer used it this past weekend but not with out power issues.


I’d be happy to have all three honestly. It would be nice to show students “here’s the cheap one, the middle of the road, and the old-stock industrial model”.