We have a client that wants UL listed light fixtures. We can handle the pretty parts, but need to find a contact manufacturer that can provide a complete electrical assembly with a UL label.
Any leads?
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We have a client that wants UL listed light fixtures. We can handle the pretty parts, but need to find a contact manufacturer that can provide a complete electrical assembly with a UL label.
Any leads?
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You can buy UL listed lamp electrical kits at any home improvement store…just not sure if the SUM of all the parts would then be considered UL listed.
Don’t know if this answers that question or not, but it seems like that probably would not fly.
UL LIsting guidelines
“For packaging, the UL logo may be used alone as long as the product (as
opposed to any Listed component in or connected to the product) bears
the complete UL Listing Mark.”
Using listed parts does not create a listed fixture. For commercial use ( ie in order to sell them) they have to be assembled in a UL shop. I have found one in New York, but hate to pay shipping if I can find somebody local.
I think this link may help you. It appears to allow you to search for UL certified shops if I am reading it correctly.
@wandrson thanks! At least that gives me a list to narrow down. Plus, I now know the proper UL code (IEZR)
This might be a good start
Does not look like they do any incandescents, and based on the list Wanderson found, they are not UL certified for them.