Lift training availability

I won’t be around this weekend - but will be there tues evening after 1900 if that works

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He said he’d be there on Tuesday. His name is Kevin.

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I’ll be there doing something

Would it be possible for me to also come around that time and get certified as well?

That is no problem at all.

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Reminder: this class is $50 paid to the Auto committee.



I have a project for my vehicle that would be made much easier with the lift. Who do I need to talk to? I know I need to pay $50. Any chance I could get trained this week?



I moved your post to the existing thread so Tom (@TLAR) and the others who provide the training can keep up with the various requests easier. :slight_smile:

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Woops! Didn’t even notice there was a thread already. Thanks for moving the post.

I will also be there on Tuesday at 7:00PM

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Are you the guy with the FJ? The platform style on the lift sometimes conflict with boards/nerf bars (can’t remember if you have them or not), so you may want to check and see if you’ll need spacers/lift blocks to lift it.

There should be some lift blocks there, they weren’t enough for me to get my SUV up though.

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14 posts were split to a new topic: Do we really have to pay $50 for the Auto Lift class?

Extra blocking can be found in the wood scrap bin ato lift most any vehicle safely.

Trucks/SUV’s etc especially with fairings, skirts (probably not PC anymore) running boards etc require a little more creativity in getting the lift pad to contact a good lift point on such a vehicle. This takes a little bit of time and a common sense approach.


Yep, that’s me. I do have sliders, but they stick out directly from the side of the frame. They don’t drop down at all (as to save ground clearance). Shouldn’t conflict, I think.
[This is a similar set to what I have]


This was true for my running boards. I made some 4x4 lift block to keep the lift plates lifting on the pinch welds instead of the running boards preventing a level action on the pinch welds.


Could i join as well?

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I am very flexible on the lift training - come one come all. I May be running a little late so it may be a little after 7pm(depending on work and traffic)

Just ask for the tall old fat white guy with really short hair and someone will point you in the correct direction…


Was there a lift class? As in on the calendar?

there was an unscheduled training session - CLEARLY noted here on Talk (automotive) before the event.

see : automotive

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@TLAR has been generous with his time, scheduling small group lift training pretty much as the need arises. Frequently he does this within the few-day window required to get something on the calendar. This is an anomaly that, now that you point it out, we probably should have identified somewhere so that people like yourself who have been diligently watching the calendar don’t get surprised.

This may not help much, but I made a notation on the Tools listing, since it is sort of the central clearing point for all tool-related information, that these impromptu sessions are posted on Talk.

If you want to discuss this further, I’ll split this off into a separate thread.

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