Lift Speakers now available for use

Jay, I’m looking at numerous responses in this thread saying music is a distraction, no music, etc., from people who regularly use machine shop. If you scroll up, you can also read them. There’s a dude who plays techno music regularly and another person who plays classical music regularly, so it’s not like we’ve never had music in the workshop and this is some novel thing.

You can make your own decisions. I, for my part, will commit to not blasting “Barbie Girl” when I see that people are in Machine Shop. :slight_smile:

Given that the shop is a common area and you will rarely be the only person in the shop, how often do you think you would be the ONLY person FORCED to listen to your music. While this started as a machine shop issue, it isn’t limited to the machine shop. People have different musical tastes, and no one should be forced to listen to crap they don’t like. I remind you the shop is a common work area, so there is nearly always other people around. Your approach is to force them to risk confrontation with people who are already demonstrating their selfishness. Why should they have to?

This seems curiously solely limited to the workshop, since apparently people realize the other areas of the space don’t experience the problem. I have personally witnessed people blasting their music in the shop area on more then one occasion. Putting in ‘official speakers’ is what has made the issue come to a head. Apparently something about automotive interests encourage people to insist on sharing their ‘music’ with the world…

If the speakers stay, here is the first song of my mix:

You just can’t really be effective at auto repairs unless you approach it with this attitude astutely worded in this song.

Come to think of it, the next logical step is to put up a jumbo tron in auto so we can have audio and video!

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As a machine shop user I am okay with music. The machines are loud enough that unless the thing is at full volume it’s not a problem. Considering this isn’t a club I doubt that will be an issue

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Chris, if you have the machine shop machines that loud your doing something wrong. If used properly you should have no problem hearing a quite conversation among people a few feet away…

My point. Can’t hear it? It’s cutting just fine.

Chris you seem confused. Brandon was asked near the top of this thread to ensure the speakers would have a low maximum volume, yet he wants to ‘experiment’. The FACT is that I have heard music blasted at extreme volume on occasion, and have rarely heard it played low enough I couldn’t hear it while working. That is TOO LOUD.

There is NO REASON a common area should allow individuals to entertain themselves at the annoyance of others. Which is the only thing we are hearing here. That a few people feel they have a right to treat OUR COMMON areas as their own homes or cars. Sorry but that is not acceptable, and it shouldn’t be up to the folks who are being forced to listen to this crap to tell them to TURN IT OFF. There is no acceptable volume in a common area. If others can hear it, it is too loud.

Been keeping up with this purely for entertainment value, but how about something like a parabolic speaker like in museums? Need sound in a quiet environment? Solution:

Actual data (video demonstrating someone using the speakers in an annoying way) would be much more persuasive than theories

Care to explain how video is going to capture annoying use of speakers?

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Ah ha! You didn’t read Brandon’s earlier comment about using the environmental sensors to log dBSP levels!!!


C’mon fellers, let’s just see if people can keep it down to a reasonable level and go with that.


Here is a test video showing a potential usage scenario I had in mind, walking from one side of workshop to the other. Can only hear it in auto area with the drone of laser exhaust

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Got Chromecast audio working by doing setup in lobby then moving it to workshop, so instead of Bluetooth where you have to keep device within 20 feet, now anyone on wifi network can control or stop it.


I don’t consider a social experiment a valid reason for the speakers. What benefit is expected that can’t be better accomplished with headphones. I haven’t herd that addressed in detail.


There I fixed it. Everything about this place is a social experiment we just call it something else.

I used the speakers the other day and I thought it was great, nobody seemed to complain. Keep the volume down and you’ll be fine. There are a few members with musical instruments that have been playing music loudly before I don’t complain.

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That’s not the point…if it bothered you it likely bothered others as well. Not complaining is just avoiding the issue and indulging self-centered behavior. Being excellent isn’t "not complaining; it’s not doing stuff that is foreseeably likely to disrupt or disturb in the first place, i.e. it’s being considerate of others.

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Couple of points:

With respect for music, I like it, and don’t mind it being sent out. But that’s a personal preference. So is absolute silence, demanding a lack of music, etc. I think what we need is a more global rule:

  1. Don’t be an inconsiderate jerk, and don’t be a prissy control freak either. All things in moderation.

With respect to the purchase of a sound system - I’ll point out that the tool box is chronically missing wrenches and sockets, and plenty of automotive tools out there worth considering purchase. So why is automotive buying sound systems? Tools to make pulse jets? Race cars, electric go carts, etc etc. If Automotive is so flush with money that they can afford to buy such things, perhaps the Board would do well to re-consider their financial arrangements.


I’ve had these thoughts too a few times.

Buy a slip roller for a pulse jet? What will it be used for next? I guess we could make a big ass DMS 2 pig roaster.

Tapper, part of the issue is we have complete sets, but people use them and forget to put them back. We have several traveling pieces that fill me with consternation. When I was managing it closely to keep my little OCD heart happy, we had pretty much everything except a socket or two, and those rotated in occasionally.

I agree that we need moderation, but I don’t think Brandon’s fiscal responsibility is the most pertinent question here.