LF Wire coat hangers

I’m looking for some wire coat hangars, about 5-10 if anyone has some they would be willing to part with. I don’t care if they’re bent up or anything, I plan on re-bending them anyhow. Any donations are greatly appreciated. FYI: this will be used as a piece of a free giveaway for the printmaking open house on the 9th.

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I think I have a few (3-5) I can bring in tomorrow morning. Where do you want them left?

I have 4 if you’re cool with two being the heavier gauge coated ones, I can bring them tomorrow as well

That would be perfect. Can you leave them in the CA annex, on the shelf right as you walk in the door by the panini press?

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How many do you need? Sounds like you have 10 pledged so far, I could bring at least that many depending on your need.

(EDIT: my coffee is still kicking in, didn’t read your post very well. If you still need more I’m happy to bring them with my tonight.)

If you could bring in 5"and stash them, that would be great. We haven’t decided on a final quantity, so a few more won’t hurt.

Thanks for all the support!


I put them here do I need to move them?

Thought that was a wider shot top shelf next to press in first section

I also need a few for mandrels for an enamel bead class

So if you get more than you need remember me

That’ll work. I’ll go nab them up this afternoon. Thanks!

Holy shit,
I have hundreds I cant give away. No one wants them.
I get a big pile and every so often my wife makes me dump them.
They drive my wife nuts because I pull them off then hang them up on the
nearest item.
In Dallas downtown. Dont make it up to DMS much these days, but come down
here and I can give you whatever.



Unrelated but I don’t care. Did a research project in college over this awesome badass. I don’t like all of his sculptural work but he’s fun and easy to enjoy.

David Mach

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Big cat meets porcupine.

One man’s junk is another man’s wire coat sculpture as the saying goes.