Letterpress Restoration - Progress Update

Hello Makers,

I wanted to provide an update on the Letterpress Restoration collab held in the Printmaking area last night. We had Paul & Astrud, John K and Randy R and myself around the press discussing rust removal.
In case you haven’t been following, we are restoring an antique clamshell letterpress. (see below)

We decided we will try an Electrolytic Bath using a car battery to remove the rust from the press. We will need the following below to complete the task of rust removal. There is also a link to read about the process. I’m excited to try it.

If anyone is interested in watching or wants to join the discuss on rust removal please post here. I will post updates in talk as we progress. Please stay tune.

All you need is:
-Plastic bucket or tub
-Washing Soda
-Battery charger
-Sacrificial metal

Come join the fun!!
