Lemons Race Photos - MSR Houston November 2019

We got some great pictures of the race this time, thanks to @kmorrowphoto. Thanks Kristy!


Looks like fun. I particularly like how the car is three different colors, depending on the photo you’re looking-at.

Lol. 500$ my ass.


Who’s car is that under the tank?

The Nevada plate on that van reminded me.

In an episode of Counting Cars, the group at Count’s Kustoms in Las Vegas bought an old beat up Cadillac and raced it at a LeMons event in Arizona. They seemed to be under the impression that the $500 limit was on the total cost, not the initial purchase.

The tank’s. Obviously.


IDK, if I had a Sherman tank loose on the raceway, I would head straight for the pits. Can you imagine the relief you could cause by putting all those participants out of their misery?..!

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That is the general spirit of Lemons. They are supposed to be $500 cars. That said:

  1. Safety items are exempt from that $$$. Roll cages alone are a few thousand. Brakes, tires, and other items are generally exempt.
  2. Any items that you sell off of the car are extra dollars that you can re-assign anywhere you’d like. Sell the interior, glass, AC/Heater system, etc and you can spend those dollars on things like suspension (after you sell your OEM).
  3. Cheating is sort of expected (if not outright encouraged at this point) bribes are accepted on the regular.