Left a part in the metal shop

Is anyone around that can confirm that I left a 5’ section of angle iron in the metal shop a couple days ago with 6 (3/4) in pipes welded to it? I went to finish the project today, and it is not in my car. Before I drive all the way back, I’d like to see if it is still there. If anyone has seen it, please let me know and put it somewhere not in the scrap pile. I need it for a Boy Scout even this weekend.

Yep…it’s here. Placed in corner just to left as you enter the doors.


Thank you. I’ll come get it.

approx where do you live? cross streets…

380/288 in Denton. ANout 45 mins away.

sorry…wrong direction for me :frowning:

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No worries. I need to finish a weld anyway if we have welding wire again.

As a heads-up, there is no storage in MS, so anything left out or forgotten, etc is fair game to the next guy or gal looking for that exact piece to make what they are doing.

That being said, I see a lot of personal storage in MS every time I am there. Most put their name on it. But if left out, it can be used name on it or not.


Not correct:

The Dallas Makerspace is not a storage facility, projects and materials that do not follow these rules, will be considered donations.

Items left outside of desginated storage areas for more than 24 hours without permission from the Logistics committee will be considered abandoned and will be dealt with how the Logistics committee sees fit. Please ask for permission rather than forgiveness for storing unusual items.

Please do not use materials not in scrap areas for your projects, name or not.

Duly noted … yet what is stated and what happens is sometimes two different outcomes and in the end the owner is out their material.

So don’t take the chance either way.

And so in fact, I am correct. Left materials have been used by others.:wink:

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Tradition holds that “there is no project storage outside of project storage” and its corollary “there is no project storage in committee areas except committee projects” so, name or not, materials left outside of project storage and not marked specifically for committee use, are considered fair game. Traditionally. Of course, “be excellent” does not mean you can help yourself to materials left behind for a day, as they might be forgotten (case in point). But if it’s been sitting there longer, it’s good to go. Traditionally.

Is only Logistics able to transition “abandoned” to “donated” to “scrap”?
What is the process to help Logistics keep “personal storage” out of committee areas?

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Wouldn’t this particular item then need to put on the Lost and Found shelf? Safe from people using it as scrap, and there long enough for @pudnocker to pick up? In this case it was a forgotten item, not something he left there on purpose.

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That’s crux of the matter. Until he posted that he forgot it, no one knew that. And I can bet you, most users in MS are not on TALK. Therefore, how would anyone know if it had been left there 1 day or longer?

I’ve come imto MS early morning and have found it in complete mess and disarray at times. Metal laying all over the floor, grindings everywhere and nothing cleaned up. I like to work in an organized clean manner, it just safer. Well I take on a ‘mommy/nanny’ role and clean up. Any metal that looks usable, I throw in the scrap bin.

So the there it is. When someone forgets their project they just worked on, they usually ‘forget’ to clean up too. I have no sympathy for these poor souls. They need to learn the hard way.

So the advice is don’t forget your project, otherwise it could be used.


There is this portion as well. This pertains to committee areas.

Storage in Committee Areas[8]
Anything in a committee area is available for use by all members unless documented/labeled as training required.
Items that require training may be secured, but a path to obtain use of said tool should be documented.
If a person must be contacted to use a tool, 2 or more points of contact must be listed on/around tool.
Storage of materials is not be permitted in committee areas unless there is a defined/documented area.
For items to be considered on display and not storage, items have to be in a designated area.
Anything that is a personal item in a committee area must have gone through the Loaning of Tools & Equipment to the Makerspace
If training is required and not set up at least once a month, the personal item on loan is subject to removal within 30 days.


No need to pontificate any longer. The item has been picked up. No it would not fit on a shelf as it is a 5’ section of 1/4 in angle iron. Yes someone could have used it, and I would need to accept that, since I left it there. That is why I posted on here to see if someone could put it somewhere safer until I got there.

There are scrap bins and areas for a reason. There are those for woodshop, laser, and metal shop. It is presumptuous to assume that anything laying out is fair game. That being said it does happen, and I would not get upset about losing something that I left behind.

Thanks @mblatz for helping a brother out.