Lee Jones Welding Instructor

Need to contact Lee Jones about a private mater.
Eligio Betancourt

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Lee’s not much for Talk, but his handle is @LeeCJones

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Lee is out of town on business. I don’t have his return date.


Thank you where can I leave a message for him?

Like @jast mentioned, Lee very rarely gets on TALK. Other than publicly available contact information (his TALK username: @LeeCJones), we do not provide other contact information due to privacy concerns.

Perhaps one of the guys on @Team_Metal_Shop will be able to reach out to him to let him know that you are trying to contact him. If so, they can get your contact information via PM to pass it along to him. Other than that, your best bet would be to catch him at the 'Space - maybe after a class he has or something.

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A big Thanks to everyone in your efforts to help me.
Eligio Betancourt

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