Leatherworking Cabinet Mess!

I just taught a Leatherworking Basics class, which requires a thorough exploration of the leatherworking cabinet, and what I found is rather upsetting. Tools are missing, tools are misplaced, things are broken and miscategorized. I understand that we’re a collaborative group with communal tools, but that means that everyone has to take care of what we have!

We’re missing wing dividers, rotary cutters, a roll of waxed thread, many off the needles.

The tooling example was in the scraps bin, the razor blade for one of the strap cutters was exposed, one of the waxed thread rolls, which needs to be kept in a plastic bag, was left out.

The size 5 punches are in the wrong bag and broken.

The list goes on. I love leatherworking, and I know a lot of the DMS leatherworkers are really great people, so the fact that our tools were mistreated is rather upsetting. Please, when you use this cabinet, use just as much care as is expected in every other part of the DMS.