Leather interest group

The manager from tandy leather will start some newbie/intro/intermediate possibly some advanced leather classes very soon here at makerspace. If you are interested in being part of the leather interest group please respond to me and we will make sure you are aware of the meetup. Dan will still have his class as well but incorporating different teachers with different skill sets will benefit everyone who is interested.
@Photomancer get ready


I would want to go. Hope not all are at night

Meeeeee! I’m interested! And I am going to teach a couple classes!

Wife gave me a thumbs up for intermediate / advanced classes.

Great timing. She just wandered in to show off her latest phone bag.

I’m interested in this!

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I’m interested! Please keep me posted.

Interested too add me to list or what ever the info is.

I’m interested. I’d like to make a better belt.

I am more interested in making rather than tooling. Something I would LOVE to learn is to make simple shoes or even sandals . I have strange feet and finding any shoes that fit well is hard (SAS store and a friend treating me to a pair–ONE freaking pair that sort of fits).

I would love something like a soft ankle boot, not a moccasin.


I am of course interested, too.

I am also interested!

I’m interested. Thanks!

Interested! Awesome!

I’d definitely be interested. Please keep me posted!


Also interested in tooling!

Interested as well! :+1:t3::+1:t3::+1:t3:

I’m interested in a newbie leather working class

@uglyknees can you lock this thread and link it to New: Leather Special Interest Group

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How do you do that? I will play around a bit