Lead acid battery desulfator

I’m by far an electronics expert. I bought a desulfator a few years ago expecting to have blown $12 on something that sounded too good to be true. I’ve not had to buy a battery since no matter how badly I neglect my batteries. I’ve got a 12 year and battery that literally sat dead in a field that I’m using. This is the video that convinced me to give it a shot after I killed my out of warranty $150 truck battery, I bought the cheapest charger/desulfator I could find on eBay at the time. https://youtu.be/2YUK_wa6SJg

I’ve probably not been as careful as I should when I use the desulfator, I should probably be treating it the way I would charging lipo batteries.

This is probably something we shouldn’t have at the space but I’m curious if anyone else uses one or has an opinion on them.


They certainly have their uses. and we have a purple truck out back that would be an excellent test bed / class project for battery tests. It has 144 volts of 6v batteries in it that are at least 10 years old.


Several years ago I wanted to experiment with a desulphator and build one myself. I had a number of lead acid batteries which were for all intents and purposes dead and I wanted to see if I could resurrect them.
I bought most of the parts for the schematic below, but never built it.
desulphator.pdf (1.3 MB)

Life got in the way I guess and I moved on to other interests. I ultimately recycled the batteries, too.

Sounds like it’s got merits!

I’ve got one that is supposed to work with 6-12v, it did work at 12v. It’s a desulfator only so it doesn’t charge.

I’ve got a number of 12V 7AH batteries that have been sitting idle for varying periods (for various reasons I’ve accumulated quite a few small UPSs over the years at no cost), curious if those are candidates for this process.


I’d be happy to take any 12v batteries people might be tired of hanging onto.

I’ve got {embarassing_qty} of SLAs I’ve been meaning to recycle and a smaller quantity of those that I’d like to revive and use again. Think I’ve also got a car battery that I never dropped off for the deposit.


O’Reilly will buy back 12v automotive bateries in return for $10 (via their gift card)