Lathe Training Q's

That is awesome! As far as classes go is there any one that is able to teach the manual version that can be messaged. I’d love to be trained in both. If you are able to do the training let me know and hopefully we can set up a time soon!

Are you asking about the Bridgeport Mill? The manual machines start with an online class (go to Learn – you have to be logged in to see the options), and take that class. Then start a post in the Machine Shop category asking for the Bridgeport class.

Sherline Manual machine training will need to do so before taking the Sherline CNC training. Looks like it would be a good idea to get both the Bridgeport mill training as well as the Asher line Manual machine. Are both those trainings available on learn?

That’s a very good question. According to this; Tools - Dallas Makerspace
you do need classes for the other Sherlines we own. I’m not sure who teaches those – it may also be Kevin. I don’t think that you have to start with an on-line class before the hands-on class. You have to do that for the “engine” lathes and the big mills.

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I’m not too sure what you are referring to here.

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Wanna say my autocorrect stepped in. Referring to the Sherline manual mill


I will be posting a manual Sherline class for this weekend . watch the calendar.

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Sounds good will keep an eye out of the class!