Lathe power feed not working

I got here early this morning and I think the lathe power feed is not working at all. It appears the screw that powers the apron is not turning.

Also, can anyone comment when the mill power feed will be working again? It’s been several months since it has worked

I had this problem last night. The feed gears were not fully engaged (v,w,x,y lever). Jiggle the levelers for the feed to ensure they are engaged. If they won’t go in, try moving them while twisting the feed shaft (the smooth one) to get it to go into gear.

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I tried that before posting and after your response. It didn’t work for me.

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Don’t neglect to the directional control lever; it has engagement faults too. If the threading screw rod revolves, then the auxiliary transmission is working and it is just a matter of the setting levers being engaged.

Separately, the screw is for threading. One of the shafts with keyway operates both power feeds. Also, if the half nut lever for threading is not fully disengaged, the power feed lever will move, but not far enough to engage the power feed.

@Chris_Wischkowsky and I looked at it today and the power feed is definitely not working.

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@BobKarnaugh Fixed the shear pin has been fixed in today during the Maintenance day