Lathe donation. (Beautiful beast)

attached are some pictures of the lathe @wandrson and I went to look at today. It is a lovely 8 foot long beast. Up keep seems to have been good. all the parts were working. the guy there seem to like to change speeds while running so we got to hear the grinding of the gears up close (yikes). the gears none the less looked in good shape. It’s got a broken switch (not a big deal) so he had it wired in direct to a breaker box. Runs 230 3-phase. this is about 2300 - 3000 lbs of steel. we should be able to acquire it in the next two months. We will likely have to rent a fork lift as well as take our gantry with us. We will also look at the cost of equipment moves as it might be easier depending on cost. Otherwise, we’ll need someone with a large flat bed trailer and truck to help out.



I guess he never read the “DO NOT CHANGE SPEED WHILE RUNNING” right on the label.


Another old lathe? Why not take the money to get it here and start a fund to buy a brand new shiny one on time? Or lease to own? Isn’t it time to start purchasing new equipment?


Did anyone measure the dimensions to see if this will fit in the POS Space Bus?


yes. it will fit in the POS machine shop just fine.

It’s kind of like shifting gears on an old standard transmission without pressing the clutch - timing is everything.

because FREE is a better price.

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Free is never FREE. …

Just like part- time work doesn’t exist but only part-time pay does.

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I don’t think this is something we want or need. Too big.


Well the others they had were the size of the old Southbend. :slight_smile:

Get the Vise. Chuck wants the 4 jaw if you can get it.

These chucks will not fit any of our tools.

really? It is 8 foot which will fit nicely between our trump wall and the drill press.
It would allow for turning larger pieces and perhaps be dedicated to steel.

Similar to T.A.H.I.T.I., the machine shop is a magical place, and don’t ever let anyone else tell you differently!!!


…what “actually happened” in Tahiti…

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Ryder rents trucks with a 3000 pound capacity lift gate. We’ve used them on several occasions. @Robert_Davidson can probably lookup rates for our account. I recall them being reasonable.


Yep just send me a date and size of truck you need.

Also the weight of the item you are trying to lift

will do. thanks.

Was there a stipulation that we had to keep it?

If not, could we drag it to Dallas and sell it?

Just curious.

Selling it is an option, but we are very likely to spend more to move it then we could get selling it.