Last Chance for Plaster Slip Casting Molds

I’m planning to go to the storage unit on Tuesday to work on the remaining molds. They are located in East Plano. Please let me know if you’re interested in looking at them before they are sold. Most of the pictures are up on Facebook except I didn’t take pictures of any of the flower pot molds. They will be priced at $1-5 each. PM me if interested.

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Thank you for doing this.


It has been a fun project that would not have been possible without the fired arts team. I get to meet a bunch of cool people who run local ceramics businesses and tell them about DMS while they are buying molds and help a nice lady clean out her shed. Moving molds around also helps immensely with work stress. As an added bonus, it has been great to see what people make with the molds. :slight_smile:


Dumb question which may shake some more takers out of the trees.

Are any of these molds suitable for vacuforming?

I don’t know if they can be used for vacuforming - @Kriskat30 @axeonos?

If you made air relief ports in various places they may be able to be used. I suspect that the shallower the better though.


A mold of the mold, would be the positive impression of the mold. It would be much easier to rotocast a plastic resin for that. These will have crevices you would be trying to suck the heated plastic down in, without the air holes to pull a good vacuum.