Announcements: John Gorman is procurement officer; 10x10 Show + Open House; LightBurn update; Optics course; 60 Days out from needing new Committee leadership; Change in maintenance protocol to incorporate a recurring check and cleaning of the blower fans; “Avoid the Queue” sign; (2018 balance) $22,454.33 + (carryover) $23,774.61 - (2017 laser purchase) $15000 = $31,228.94.
These are the cupcakes I’m going to make if Someone Who I Will Not Mention decides to cook a main dish. Half chocolate cake. Half cheesecake. Chocolate chips.
So sad to be out of town on a work adventure enjoy the meeting and time maintaining our amazing tools. Any one new to the space come and check out the great group of folks in @team_laser .
I second both of those sentiments. I’ll be in Austin this Sunday. The maintenance / meeting days are the most efficient way to to learn more about our lasers from the folks who know know them.
@joshw and @tomthm, wishing you great trips.
You’ll be missed.
I have Laser’s expansion assignment, including a map.
Contact me when back in town and I will share the news with you.
@Kriskat30, a big THANK YOU for that amazing chicken salad that you made and brought to Laser Maintenance Day. That recipe is delicious!
And another big THANK YOU to every one of you who came out to this month’s Laser Committee meeting and maintenance day. You are the ones who help keep these fabulous assets running. “Do-ocracy” at its finest!