Laser training and access

I took laser basics over a year ago, but didn’t use it after that. Then recently I was getting some help (since it had been awhile) on the full spectrum working on my first laser project and I couldn’t log into the software for some reason. If the full spectrum is going to stay (latest rumor) who do I talk to about getting access?

I would also like training on the Zing, if it is available for use, as well as the Lasersaur. I understand that it will be a while for classes to be developed on the Thunder.

Is Lasersaur training a separate class, or is it included in the laser basics class, now? LS was still being built/tested when I took the laser class before.

I can speak only to the FSL, it is not staying and has been sold.


Ok, thanks…had heard the highest offer was unacceptably low so it was staying after all. Since its the only one I was officially trained on, guess I’m s.o.l. on my new project until I can get some training on the Zing or the Lasersaur.

Thanks for the quick response…much appreciated!

The Lasersaur is included on the Laser Basics class. If you can’t get on one soon let me know and i’ll help you

Thanks! I thought I should just retake the basics class since the LS came online after I took it.

Is the Zing part of the basics class, too? I’m interested in trying low power rastering which is what I’m guessing the Boss Laser is doing here: and the Permaboss Laser here: When finished out, that ends up being more of a burnish than a burn with minimal damage to the leather’s grain surface.

I believe that there are plans in the works Soon™ to integrate both into existing curriculum. @PearceDunlap could perhaps confirm…

It is only hanging around because the new owner has asked us to store it until they can arrange pickup via box truck within the next week or so.

Whoop whoop!! I saw the new laser classes posted and got on the waitlist. That was way sooner than I expected, YEAH!