Laser performance seemed worse last night (2/19/15)

The laser seems to not be cutting well.

I cut some 1/4" (5.2mm) Baltic birch plywood on the laser last night, using the same settings (and same wood) I used the week before (65 speed/100 power/ 1 pass). Failed to cut completely through. Did two more passes at 90/100 and then 70/100 and STILL failed to completely cut through.

I did all the usual setups (set Z-height, verified current, used flat wood).

Seems that perhaps the optics are either fouled or out of alignment. Perhaps someone more qualified could check it out?

In addition to this email, I updated the DMS ToolStatus Page: Tools Status Board - DMS

I second that. I cut some 3mm acrylic and it didn’t cut through with the usual settings that are posted on the side of the laser that I have used in the past.

Also, it is cutting like this-- / --instead if like this-- | --and even in 3mm acrylic it is noticeable to where the parts fit better in one orientation than another.

Any update on this? I’ve got a sizable batch of cutting to do in the near

Looked at it. Did some test cuts. I can’t find a problem.

Be more specific as to what it is.