Laser on a cutting board

Wondering if anyone has engraved text on a cutting board using the laser? I would like to put a recipe on an olive wood cutting board.

I would love to get some feedback as to settings to use for crisp dark text etc. Thanks!

I do this all the time.

You’ll want to use scan vs cut, I generally use 45ish power at 300mm


Awesome! Thank you so much, this helps a ton.

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Anyone know how well this works on end-grain cutting boards? Any difference vs face grain boards?

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It works, I’ve put my logo into end grain cutting boards no issue.

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@indytruks138 and @michaelacks

Have you guys recessed areas for epoxy pours? I.e burn a design 1/8” into the surface then do an epoxy pour?

Thanks in advance.

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I have done face grain, but not end grain with resin.

This was cut with the laser about 1/8", filled proud, and then sanded down flush.


How do you get 1/8 on the laser?

Shapeoko would be a simpler approach but you’d have to make a vector shape.

Watch the interval setting. It’s like resolution on Scan. Try point 0.06mm. The larger the number, the more noticeable the laser passes. If someone is viewing something from 6+ feet away, I would raise the number to 0.1mm.

The settings I use for scan:
Independent output off
Ramp off
Interval 0.06mm-0.1mm


Would those settings be for the 1/8” recessed for resin pours @talkers

This depends greatly on the wood you’re using. Something like soft maple burns through pretty deep. Something like oak not so much.


Thank you!

Aaron is correct. The other variable is grain. Heart wood and sap wood can vary, where one is etched deeper than the other.

I would increase the power level first before lowering speed. 3mm / 1/8" should not be a problem. I’ve done deeper to embed magnets.


@talkers thank you so much for your help…I’ll likely be working this next week. I can post some pics.

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I did this at 30% / 300mm speed

Etched into bubinga from Wood World on TI Blvd.


Wow! Looks great! Thank you for the parameters

Your settings worked perfectly on olive wood, thank you!


Hi John @talkers , long time no talk, haven’t seen you in forever. Quick question-can you remind me where the item from the Independent output, Ramp, x-swing and seemingly most importantly the interval settings are? I have been searching all over in this area, can’t find them?


Double click on the black line item in the menu where the color coded commands are (only black and only cut in this case). Each color can be set to be handled differently as well as each colored bitmap layer too if you import an image.

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