Laser Maintenance Training Class, ** RESCHEDULED to Sunday, May 3rd 2015, 6-8 PM **

Host: Romeo
Contact: @Romeo_Espana
Location: Meet at the Laser


  • Active Dallas Makerspace Member
  • Already Trained and Authorized to Operate the Laser

On Sunday, May 3rd, from 6 PM - 8 PM, Romeo will hold a hand’s-on class on how to perform maintenance on Dallas Makerspace Lasers

This is a FREE class. You will be encouraged to help maintain our lasers after completing the class.


I am working a table at the Earth Day Texas at Fair Park that weekend. Is it okay to show up a little late?


Hi Manny (@munawar) …

It really depends on how late, as far as how much you will get out of the class. You are welcome to come by, we just can’t predict how much will have already been covered before you arrive.

We are hoping that the members who attend will be able to do basic stuff that really needs to be done much more often than those already maintaining it have time to do. Things like clear the debris and clean the optics. Even with the class, not everyone who attends will automatically be authorized… We will need to know that each person interested in helping with the regular maintenance can show proficiency in doing it.

The list of members who will be authorized to perform major maintenance and repair will still likely be relatively small. By major maintenance, we mean alignment, troubleshooting, repair, etc… The decision on who gets added to that list will be up to the three who have handled the majority of the maintenance and repairs since receiving the current Full Spectrum Laser: William (@william_petefish), Romeo (@Romeo_Espana), and Luke (@lukeiamyourfather).

Additional clarification and details will be addressed in the class.


Thank you. I will be there.

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Ill be there for sure, i would be happy to help maintain the laser

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What are the considerations of having another class on a different day?

I’d love to participate, but that would be right after WhoFest 2. Doubt I’ll be up for a class at that point. Hope the class will be offered again at a later date.

Due to unforseen circumstances, this class is being rescheduled for next Sunday, May 3rd, from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

@munawar, @David_Walker, @phil_ayache, @Opcode, @tmc4242


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This is today! :smile:

I won’t be there (spending time with my grandson on his big tenth birthday! :smile: ); but @Romeo_Espana is! Head that way n learn a thing or few about our Full Spectrum laser maintenance! :smile:

Good Class, thank you Romeo…

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