Laser / Illustrator Problem Solving Help


Any of you have insight on why this might be happening? The Artwork is in Illustrator and uses vector shapes, but both the Zing and Thunder have done it in random spots (not consistent between them and it is not evident in the file or on screen).

Inside the red box you can see that the shifted section(about 1/2" tall) is temporary and not across the whole piece.

Thoughts? Insights?

I was told it’s a known issue. Use the Lasersaur

Slowing down the speed has helped me with artifacts like this. I also have to decrease the power as the laser is burning the same surface for longer. As for the lasersaur, it unfortunately does not have the ability to raster.


No reason to believe this is the problem, but have you tried saving your Illustrator file to pdf and then using the pdf file? Does that create the same artifact?

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Thanks Ryan. I’ll give this a shot the next time I’m on the lasers.

Not an issue I have run into or seen before. Mark is there any way you can share the artwork and the settings you used? You said it has happened in random spots incosistently across the Thunder and Zing, but does it happen in the same spot or randomly one a single machine? Would like to try to get to the root cause so it doesn’t affect others.

Yes Sir. I ran a PDF through Zing, and there were a few artifacts in different locations than this one from Thunder. The next time I print it I’ll try slowing things down and report back.

I printed a PDF on Zing a few times and they were in the same spot which made me think it was something with the file, but today’s print on Thunder surprised me a bit(only printed one).

Not sure if it matters, but the base file was created in Illustrator CS3. So it is an old version. The save settings were the defaults for Illustrator CS3. I may run it through the current version of Illustrator we have as well to see if that helps.

If it’s in the same spot, I would tend to agree it would probably point to a file issue. Not seeing the file I can only guess though. Should be able to just open it in newer software and resave to update accordingly. Curious to know the result.