Hi, my friend @Daniel_Ardila and I would like to get certified on the Laser Cutter. We saw that the two classes currently on the schedule are both full, is there any chance that a third will be added for sometime soon - we’re super flexible in terms of time and hopefully there is someone else also interested in the class so we can get 3.
Hello there, I’m new to DMS and would very much appreciate the opportunity for training on the laser cutters as well. In reading through several topics I’ve gathered there are also prerequisite classes but I am not clear as to which I need and when they will be available.
@cvrana got me cleared for the lasers 1-on-1 the other day. We did the first laser class but it’s enough to use the thunder. The next training would be for the epilog, then multicam / CNC from there.
Hello! Normally I’m better about keeping an eye open for these types of posts.
So here at the DMS we basically have two types of lasers. We have the thunder lasers, which have no pre-req classes at all, and are sort of the all around workhorse lasers that will do pretty much anything you want them to do pretty well. And then we have the FusionPro, which has the thunders as a pre-req and is the high-precision engraving laser with the rotary attachment.
If you’d like to set up a 1-on-1, I’m happy to talk to you more through DMs if that’s cool with you.
Quick question, is the Fusion taught as a separate class? I’ve checked periodically in the past while but if there has been I’ve missed it. I’d been wanting to do a tumbler, but it feels like the rotatory for the thunders has been out of commission for years at this point Unless I missed something and it finally got fixed, which could totally have happened.
Yeah, the fusion is a separate class from the Thunder basics. I can also teach that one if someone would like me to. I’ve not been putting up official classes recently due to time constraints, honestly, but I’m always happy to do 1-on-1s.
It does require you to have taken Thunder basics though.
And the Thunder rotary is dead, long live the Fusion Rotary. (it’s so much easier to use too)
Yeah, as someone who’s used both, it’s both a thousand times easier to use and because of the change from a lathe-style twist to an outside-drive, we don’t need chucks so it’s more versatile. It’s pretty great.
I just attempted to sign up for Epilog Fusion Laser Training but it indicated I had to complete prerequisite
Laser Basics first. However, I have already completed the Basics course (back in Sept).
Please advise what steps I need to take to update my account so I’m able to take the Fusion course.
Thanks much