Very Interesting… Giving thought about bidding on it… Not a GuRu by any means on these laser units, but have many years of electronics component level repair… LOL The bid is up to $ 715 today… GRrrrr…
I’m curious as to if it can do PWM , from what I have recently learned ( I think ) that with PWM on the laser it can do Grayscale Depth control into your work piece .
Some places have a budget system set up that if you do not use your full years budget, then you get cut the amount that you did not spend. I don’t recall if UNT was this way.
Additionally University’s sometimes get grants from folks with strings attached. IE… UTD had one several years ago where they had to spend that money on greenscape as a requirement of the grant (several millions from a private party)
Yeah Tim… I’m like you… If I can build it instead of paying a ton, I’ll build it … LOL Link is to my ole table top CNC video on Youtube that I built many years back…