Large Kiln in auction

Hi, brand new member here and first post so forgive me if this is not the right way to present this.

There is a large kiln at an online auction for Richardson ISD, thought pottery team might be interested in getting it really cheap. Below is a link to it.


I may register as a bidder for this item. It seems to have a computer controlled kiln sitter, which makes it very attractive for us.


Not enough time to get deposit to them. Let me know maximum price you want
to bid, I’ll do it for you and you can reimburse me. You do have to pick
up in day time.

I’ll be there tonight d for training. Let’s talk then if you’ll be there.

Paypal is my friend. I’ve already thrown my hat in for the kiln. :slight_smile:

In hindsight, putting in a bid today was not great auction strategy, but what’s done is done.


That’s cool. When i signed up a year aho, I had to mail a money order $100
befire they let me bid.

Look at some Plano ISD and Garland completed auctions, kilns don’t sell
for much.

The trick is to get one with a Sentry 2.0 digital controller. The other kiln I saw up for auction on the website had a kiln sitter that uses a pyrometric cone. Better than the manual old kiln we have now, but no where near as nice as the first one you posted. Old kilns are cheap, the trick is getting a shiny new-ish digital one. lol

I haven’t used one yet, but I’ve seen a lot of Chinese PID temperature controllers on eBay for well less than $50. ( Maybe even less than $30. ) That, a suitable thermocouple, and a hefty solid state relay could make an old electric kiln pretty fancy with not a great deal of work.

Just a thought.


Todd: If someone wants to take that on as a project, I would support it. It’s beyond my knowledge base; I work with mud. :wink:


I might be interested, although I don’t see having time until March at the soonest. Just wanted point out the possibility.

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Nathan I have A Bidder Card with Rene Bates if you guys want to buy it for DMS.

Hit me up offline and I can get it to you.

Thanks, I’ve created my own bidder account with them. This may prove a mistake to my pocketbook in hindsight. lol

Manny: Thanks for posting this topic, it looks like I’ve bought a kiln. :slight_smile:

John K went this morning to take a look at it and it looks pristine, and is also wired for 208v, so will be perfect for the Space.

Now just have to figure out how to transport it.



I have a truck that can be used and also talk with Alex. Looks like we could get it Wed if that is good with you.

Wednesday would be perfect. Morning would work best for me.

Awesome. Glad I could help. Perhaps one of the members have a trailer?
Kiln is orobably on a pallette so they fork lift it on a trailer. We
should probably ask the warehouse foljs how they moved it from school to