Large Format Printer help

Is it working? If it is, where can I find out how to use it? I have some prints I’d like to print and can’t find the latest info on it or them. Can someone help? Just looking to print a couple of large images ~ 3’x4’. Thanks!

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To establish realistic expectation, “probably not”.
However, I think @Evan_Lott Evan might have had it mostly working a couple weeks ago…so maybe I get to be wrong here!

I too would like to know if there’s anything I can do to get this thing up and running. I have some images I’d like to print out, and would definitely be willing to pay for that. I also don’t know what the rate on that large format printer is

We did have it somewhat working. There are some colors in certain other things that were a little bit strange, that we had still been tuning…

If you don’t mind dropping the image (or an example of it) in here, I can probably guess if it will print out decently.

We don’t have a specific control panel or access set up yet, however someone who has been working with it (like Evan) might be able to print an image or two out adhoc for you.

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here is the image I want to print. Just need one print 36"x48"

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I believe that last I heard given the fragility of the printer and everything that is currently working/not working with it at the moment, it’s limited to just DMS committee business such as sign making for committee spaces.

This might have changed since I last heard in February, but it might not have.

What do you want to print it on? Paper or Canvas? Do have a preferred paper or Canvas?

paper, just replacing another picture by gluing this ontop of it. Doesn’t need to be perfect, it’s for a haunted house…

paper is fine. nothing fancy, just using it to replace another picture with modpodge over the existing print.

I just need to print out a large map for a dungeons and Dragons campaign

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Have you looked into topographic maps? If you’re willing to put in a bit of time, I’ve seen people do some fun maps for D&D using thin corrugated cardboard sheets or tempered hardboard.

Actually yes, but I’m waiting for this group to get past three sessions before I put in that kind of time or effort.


If you are willing to make the “trek” to Arglye, I would be open to printing your image on my wide format printer.
Same for Zach’s map.

later this month…

My printer is a Canon iPF 8400

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YES!! I’d love to. Wow, thank you so much! Would be way better than the picture I created… How do I meet you there? What’s your availability?

To print mid afternoon or an evening Tues through Fri.
A Sunday is a possibility but this Sunday I will be doing car work at the makerspace.