Large Format Printer for sale on FB

I just ran across this post in case Creative Arts is interest.


@Hardsuit and more characters

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@grematl do you have the contact info?

We had really bad luck with the Epson printers that we had before.

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There’s a reason they’re giving it away and not selling it, and I don’t feel like wasting time and money discovering what the problems are.

IMO, of course…


They are asking for offers. It isn’t free.

The ink system in Epson printers has always been a problem. My vote would be to pass this one by.

A wide format printer like this free or used for sale at any price should only be considered if it can be seen in full use printing without any issues BEFORE giving up any time or money.

If you cannot see it in action in person it more than likely is going to be a giant boat anchor.

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