Any business owners in the Dallas Makerspace looking to hire someone?
Great with social media
Professional Communication
Been in IT for 2.5 years
Have built my own home server for file storage/streaming, etc.
Can build custom computers
Have been a manager before for both Sprint, and Radioshack
Trained on Wood Shop tools
Trained on 3D Printer
If anyone has any suggestions I’m open. Being in IT for so long though not entirely stoked about diving back into IT. Depending on the working environment and pay I wouldn’t mind, but I’d prefer something different.
Have you set up a LinkedIn account? There is also Devpost. And if you’re willing to preform janitorial services there is the Texas Work force Commission.
Any experience with Video Teleconferencing? Particularly Cisco or Polycom, but any would be applicable. IT experience is a plus (AV is living on the network increasingly). My employer has been looking for AV engineers. Much of our business is VTC for Government and education (K-12 and Higher Ed).
I have experience with OBS (Open broadcast software) going live on Facebook. Not any cisco or polycom experience, but I did manage a VOIP network that used a polycom. No video though.
It’s more preference that I don’t go back. Not that I wouldn’t. I’m open to going back, but if I could find other work. I’d look into that. I wasn’t aware IBM was hiring I’ll look into that, thank you.