Lab Idea - 3d distributed internetz for secured communication and trusted nets

Explore distributed systems for protected private and anonymous networks:

  • IPFS (as web storage and frontend host)
  • geth (as app, rpc, marketplace, and data store)
  • private tor (as backend and entry point access)
  • docker (cluster management)
  • keybase (trust management)
  • janusweb vr (user interface)

This is an advanced level guided course where you will build a decentralized marketplace similar to eBay. This application will be built using Solidity language/Truffle framework, Javascript and HTML/CSS. Few key libraries that will be used to build the application include web3js, ipfs-api and ethereumjs-util.


The matrix mets uplink; or 3d distributed internetz for secured communication and trusted nets.

Afterall, Second Life and GopherVR made the promise of a 3d internet. But they failed to make it ubiquitous, portable, and free to all.


Because its an IEEE and MIT subject that’s been an ongoing subject which overlaps computer/technology NUI, Augmented Reality, and Metaverse VR

End product

Should have a deployable grid that hosts a PWA dapp with janusvr web ui over a private ipfs and blockchain network that’s accessible via a private onion routed network.

Or simple put; a data vault with next wave technology which one can keep safe from all the haxors, spies, and other mega corps.

Related Podcast

External Reference:

Secret Storage via ethereum:

And keybase integrates with ethereum:

Crypto is the next big leap for the web:

Plus google wants to kill the url and run everything off their Google AMP