Last week I noticed someone had left a pretty sizable shallow oil slick after (presumably) changing the oil on their vehicle. I almost slipped in it twice. Who that jerk is I don’t know, but I looked around for some silica desiccant (kitty litter) to sop up the slick and there was none to be found.
I’m not sure what standard operating procedure at the DMS is for oil cleanup but the way I’ve learned it is laying down some cat litter and then sweeping it up and dumping in a trashcan followed by maybe using some degreaser to squeegee off any filmy residue.
So, do we have any? If not I’d be more than willing to donate a big-ass bag of the stuff because this issue is a liability suit waiting to happen.
Maybe we should require anybody that works in the automotive area to have their own bag of kitty litter or the (inexpensive) powder oil absorbent sold at all auto parts stores to clean up their messes. If you are working on your car you are going to need this stuff eventually, either at your own garage or at DMS.
This seems unnecessary to me. The problem isn’t oil, the problem is people not cleaning up after themselves. A lot of problems stem from people not cleaning up their own messes.
It’s a lot easier to use cardboard (available), or wipe it up and hit it with degreaser immediately. It’s pretty easy to not make a mess.
I couldn’t find any either a week or so ago when I changed my diff oil. However, sawdust worked just as well, and there’s almost always a fresh supply of it under the table saw.
YES! And this applies to all of our consumables. This is one of those things that should be in the common sense category. Apparently, though some of our members need to be told…
On the bottom shelf near the brooms in the auto area there is an orange 5 gallon bucket with a black screw on lid labelled oil absorb that is full of the same thing as kitty litter, it’s basically just clay / dirt, I also bought an extra 25 pound bag just a few days ago and put it on that shelf, so we should have lots.
Everyone is responsible for keeping a safe environment, if you see a safety hazard such as slippery floor that a neglectful member left please dump some of the oil dry on it, the cleanup procedure you described is correct.