Kickstarter: OSM ,The Arduino based Open Source LED Gloving Microlight funded on Kickstarter!

“Catching wearable led lights, based on a custom Arduino Uno hardware with an accelerometer to trigger special light effects based on movement.”

“OSM ,The Arduino based Open Source LED Gloving Microlight funded on Kickstarter!”

I watched the video. I don’t understand half of what he says. ELight? IMAX? Chroma/24? Oracle? The database company?

My guess… ORACLE LED Pods — ORACLE Lighting

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For what it’s worth, that video has my hackles up. The m328 does not support JTAG. Makes me wonder if it was a simple mistake or a deliberate false claim.

May be neither, but rather using a specific term in a generic context. Kind of like calling a photocopy a Xerox…

The m328 has a JTAG like debugging port that works with Atmel’s Dragon programmer/debugger and presumably other similarly equipped devices. Lack of familiarity with the term (I think they called it debugwire) would be a strong reason to use JTAG to describe the functionality in a way that would more likely be understood.

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That’s some arcane knowledge there!