Key Cutter - Where is it?

Aaaanyway. Back on track: Maybe we just need to nudge everyone to put expensive-looking stuff on the L+F shelves before it goes to donation, and encourage committees to permanently mark their toys?


No, really, I don’t remember. Please do send me links to these threads to prove your point.

Yes, but that still doesn’t mean random things can just show up in the Server Room. At least let me know if you’re gonna do this. The problem is that no one ever told me until after-the-fact. I didn’t know if was a multi-thousand dollar piece of equipment. Again, I need to know things.

Ahhh, that one. To set the record straight, that was when Richard Alexander or David Ratcliff was chair. Whoever it was indicated to me that they didn’t know whose plant it was. I informed them that Committee Chairs have the right to control their respective areas and as such they have the right to dispose of it. They were unable to move the plant, so I offered to do it for them. I’m trying to convey that while I physically disposed of it, I was not the one that made the call.

Like a key cutter?

  • I’m pretty sure you don’t have the authority to charge stuff to automotive
  • You left it around on a workbench and expected that it wouldn’t get moved?
    This is ridiculous
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People take me too seriously around here.

I wasn’t the one that left it out. Think of this another way:

  1. Ann, a member, uses a screwdriver in the Classroom
  2. Ann leaves and forgets to put the screwdriver away
  3. Bob, the Classroom Committee Chair, sees a misplaced screwdriver and instead of putting it back where it goes, PUTS IT ON THE DONATION SHELF.
  4. Cassie, the Screwdriver Committee Chair, hears about this and is furious that Bob didn’t do his due diligence.

Cassie needs counseling.


Who would have left the Key cutter out? That’s kinda a big deal just to leave something out of that substance. We have got to get were we put things back where they belong. If it had been out on the workbench for so long, why wouldn’t the person had put it back? It’s kinda like I leave something on my front lawn then get upset when someone steals it.


All I want to say about this is that a key cutter looks almost identical to a bench grinder.

He was interim chair of Biology after Andrew disappeared, but before Ben had Science renamed.

Stop lawyering everything to death. Holy crap, it’s not that big of a deal.

Easy, someone buy a new key cutter and lable it DMS Property.

If I had director funds, I’d buy it. :wink:


Hm, maybe we do need a roving mediator or two around here. Or a mom I guess :slight_smile:

What I’ve learned reading this is that we need to buy a new key duplicator, try and label things more often, place things in lost and found before the donation shelf and move on I think.


I couldn’t immediately find a similar looking key cutter on amazon, I will replace it if you send me a link

It likely got misplaced in the shuffle of moving things out from the white cabinets (which had ended up being primarily woodshop storage while they rfid locking project was underway), we are a better place with improved storage in woodshop now which should help prevent things getting misplaced in the future


Any updates on this? We’re out of CNC pendant holder keys. I got 20 blanks shipped to me to make more.

Surely you can get copies made at home despot and anywhere else they make copies of keys.

Elliots is the only place that has that blank, and on a good day they have 8. I did that for a while, and it sucks.

Kent, can you find a decent key cutter and send it to Brandon for purchase? He indicated he would purchase a replacement.

This is a manufacturer, but not sales. But perhaps they can provide the names of distributers.

I put a bid in on a vintage key cutter machine, auction ends friday. Would probably be good to transition to an RFID based solution

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Brandon, if you can find a network-connected RFID filing cabinet, I would be highly interested in this. Until you can find one, this is not a valid suggestion - they don’t exist.

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