Just bought a new tool / AR-15 build class

Any up for teaching an online build class?

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Whoa now, that tool looks like a firearm part to me. It might have intimately touched a firearm at some point. Don’t bring it anyway near the DMS :wink:

Seriously though, I wouldn’t mind an online class. I’m not terribly fond of black plastic, but I’d be willing to follow along just to understand the nuances of the AR platform.


haha :slight_smile: We should make and sell them :slight_smile:

I think as long as we are building out of our homes, this shouldn’t go against the rules. I think we can do an interactive online class this way. We could provide a parts list needed for the class and do each section perhaps in different classes.

please tell us more about the tool. Is that indeed plastic? It looks like something that can be replicated on the haas quite easily (copyrights not withstanding of course).

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It is not plastic, it is solid metal. From what I am told, it is really the only special tool you will need to assemble an AR-15 from a kit. I don’t know alot about it yet. But I am hoping to gather enough people to get a class together and then gather and go out shooting with everyone.

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pretty standard armorer’s wrench; not all ARs require it though some do depending on the types of nuts it has. It helps a lot even for the ones that don’t

Should easily made on something like the HAAS though it would probably require a good jig be made first to handle the re-positioning. Thinking about it there are a couple spots that may be tricky on a 3 axis vertical, such as the opening of the jaw on the lower left right at the start and finish of the semi-circle. May or may not be able to do that portion on the HAAS but easily finished by hand.

It’s cast metal.

IIRC, the big hook towards the top of the package is for the castle nut on the stock. It has been a while since I’ve used mine.

The jaw at the opposite end is for the barrel nut. The square next to that is for a 1/2" torque wrench for use in tightening the barrel nut (minimum 25-ft-lbs, max 80.) The min-max range is because you have a gas tube from the front sight block back to the upper receiver for help in pushing the bolt back and that has to fit in a u-shaped recess in the barrel nut.

The larger cut out square on side of the tool is for tightening the flash suppressor and crush washer on the end of the barrel.

I forget what the other, smaller square, the C notch on the side, and the 3 holes down the middle are for.


While the final rules / guidelines for DMS are still in works, you can probably hold a class/build session off campus - i.e. someone’s house/garage/business/etc. You would not be able to list on the events calendar because it would be an “illegal” activity at DMS. Set up an external/separate email group and have at it. My understanding is this would be like a group of friends getting together to reload/tweak/gunsmith/etc. for personal use.

Other opinions/interpretations may vary…

From what I understand, as long as it is not at the space and in our homes and taught remotely via video conference. It wouldn’t be against the rules. There would be no gun building at the space as each person would be building their own gun at their home.

I’m thinking of an actual build (no ghost guns). Assemble a legal (ie serial numbered) kit of parts led by an experienced builder. The class alone without parts could be done at DMS. Parts replicated in plastic/wood and nonfunctional are a maybe at this point.

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There may be some good points to doing this way. I do think that having the actual parts in front of you and being able to put them on webcam for others to see what you are working with may be of greater help than using mockups. With something like Google Hangouts, it will flip back and forth to whomever is speaking.

It has been asked, Why I am bringing this up after the board meeting and rules last night .

Simple, Hatcher’s needs to be reborn into what it actually can be within the rules. I’m trying to find that place.
I don’t think anyone wants to see Hatcher’s go. We need to find a way to do makery things, that people want to do, that are legal and rule wise. This is why I am posting these topics, to find out interest and how to make this work for the benifit of Hatcher’s and DMS. I have no desire to argue over the rules, I just want to find a good place. I was told that building in our homes was different than building at the space. This is why I am bringing up this topic/possibility.

You will need a vise block for the upper receiver. I went the cheap way as I have a flat top upper receiver, cutting board.

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I have vise blocks for both uppers and lowers. That might be a fun “let’s copy that” class that would fall within the rules. They are both pretty necessary for any building or serious work on ARs.

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Yes, Hatchers will need to reinvent itself. It will be an ongoing process for some time. Keep in mind that the same loop holes, gray areas, etc. you’re looking for are the same ones that the bad guys are looking for also. And the activities ofthe bad guys are the primary reasosn we have these rules/laws. The current Chair seems to be out there somewhere brooding over the “ATF overstepping its bounds”, not being invited to the Bod mntng with the ATF agent, and posting long rantutorials alluding to unproven conspiracies. Someone with a creative vision for the future of Hatchers needs to step up and lead the group forward - not *itch and whine. There were several interesting topics discussed at the last BoD mntng relating to Hatchers. Where were the committee members/interested folks??

Something that everyone needs to keep in mind is that DMS is a unique organization. We are on the bleeding ill defined edge in many areas and are being observed by local, state, and federal entities on how we handle things. There are some opportunities here. Let’s not blow it.


Yes it will be. This is important to discuss without feeling like it is being pushed. I’m not pushing a build class as much as seeing if there is anyway to do one that is acceptable and checking for interest. The idea is to find something that will work and where the bounds are so people can feel confident in creating classes that will not conflict with the rules or cause trouble. So, there will be some back and forth but hopefully no one will push or feel pushed over this. We all hopefully want Hatcher’s to continue.

I am not looking for loopholes. I’m looking for a clear path. Something that we can feel proud and positive about. Guns are not something, we here in America should shun. They are a part of our culture and have been since inception. Teaching how to use guns and about guns is what people need. They need more information about the safe handling of guns and what they are and are not. Bad guys will always find a way to get around laws. The vast majority of gun owners are not bad guys.

Right now there is an air of fear and uncertainty with regards to guns and DMS. Some, I think, have given up trying. Some don’t mention it because they don’t want to seem to cause trouble or be seen as a trouble maker. So, they stay quiet. I want to dispel the air of fear and uncertainty with regard to guns and DMS. Either we ban all talk of guns and classes/events about guns or we have a discourse about it. I want confidence to return and the enjoyment we get from guns and weapons to return, however we can make that happen.

A bit of clarification:

“Ghost Gun” is a scary term made up by gun control enthusiasts. Kindly refrain from using it.

Editing to add:

If we’re talking about work done NOT AT DMS -

As far as 80 percent lowers, there is no problem. I can do that work ON MY OWN GUN - not someone else’s - in my garage quite legally. Once lower is completed, assembly proceeds just as if you’d bought a lower with a serial number. ( all presuming we’re talking AR platform guns. )

Again - none of this can take place at DMS. Are we totally clear on that now ? NOT AT DMS.

Are you also taking into account the new rules?


Sorry. Didn’t mean to imply you specifically, meant those interested at large.
Bigger picture - This is why the BoD will have to compose rules/regs/etc. that will be more restrictive for on campus activities. This to will be an ongoing process. “Weasel factors” will arise and need to be dealt with.

One of the more interesting topics that came up at the last BoD mtng was the (possible) need for a self policing / reporting policy. Included in the discussion was if someone saw something illicit and didn’t report it, they may be still culpable/negligent. This could end up being a very ugly can worms.

I learned of the term from Walter. He finished a lower at DMS before the laws changed. For the record, the gun was disassembled and the lower rendered inoperable - as per Walter’s request.