JunkBox Wars @ BSidesDFW


Anyone interested in doing this or already have a team and would like another?

I planned on attending for the Security Related talks, but building something sounds oh, so much more interesting.

Hmmm, the site seems to be down right now…

Seems to be working for me?


It works for IE 11 on Win 8.1 but not my Chrome v38. Turns out that AdBlock wouldn’t let me connect. I removed the extension and restarted Chrome and now it connects. That’s the first time I’ve had that happen.

FYI Dallas Makerspace is actually a sponsor of this event if anyone would like to work the event please let me know.

Robert Davidson

I would be interested. Have you found a team or anyone else yet?

Nope, no team or no other interest. However, I assume we could start our own?

@Robert_Davidson - What kinda of help are y’all looking for?