Laser Committee Action Items:
Meeting Minutes:
Attendees: Stephenie Webb, Chair (@heyheymama); Scott Blevins, Vice Chair (@Scott_Blevins); Josh Wims (@JoshW); Brady Pamplin (@bpamplin); David Steele (@David_Steele); Troy Gilchrist (@TGilchrist); Shaun Dixon (@Shaun_Dixon); Logan Cummins (@loganc10); Tommy Thomas (@tomthm).
Location: Purple Classroom. Duration: 60 minutes.
The Board banned two member for not paying their laser fees. Members repaid the fees.
Stephenie will not be running for Chair in October. If no one comes forward, her last act will be to shut down Laser Area (rope off with Caution tape) until a chair election is held. Ideally, if three people were willing to rotate 6 month terms, each could have a year off between serving. If a Chair only holds monthly maintenance + meeting and watches the finances, that’s good enough if the Committee is strong. Purpose: to set a precedent for single 6-month terms to strengthen the Committee, to prevent Chair burn out, and to retain Chair’s corporate knowledge.Brady and Clay have a device installed on a chiller that is monitored and its temperatures are uploaded and recorded and the current line count is up to 300,000 separate captured data points. Another example he presented to the group was a device he fabricated with a display, big red button, battery pack and it was run on a Arduino processor which also made it Wi-Fi connected. The device counted the time in between the pushing of the red button. This was a proof of concept of having a timer box to help clients keep track of time used on the lasers. Everyone was extremely impressed by this demonstration!
Brady is currently seeking help with the following to continue development of the timer box: soldering; web development; tracking of ideas and development for the project. Essentially they need a project manager and documenter.
Clay was nominated for this project and all in attendance voted for him to be on this project, to ensure that the air assist on the laser cutters turns back on after 15 minutes of being turned off. The premise is that a user needs to turn the air off because they are cutting acrylic. That same user completes all of their cuts which could be minutes or hours and they gather their belongings and leave, forgetting to turn the air assist back on. The next user begins cutting wood and a fire begins as the material that is cut isn’t blown out of the cutting area. This results in excessive smoke, contaminating the laser, damaging the lens, melting of plastic and in general making the laser unusable. Clay will work on this project and develop a solution which may include a timer box similar to what Brady presented and a secondary air feed so there is always some level of air flow.
Stephenie brought up for discussion the extended queue times for clients to use the lasers during the holidays. In each of the previous holidays the demand for laser time skyrockets and it is not uncommon for some client projects can take 5+ hours or more resulting in clients unable to use the lasers and feelings of disappointment (at best). Stephenie has asked the committee to come up with ideas that would allow as many clients as possible to use the lasers and complete their holiday projects and be as fair as possible to the laser community. Some ideas initially suggested were: limit the time on the lasers; limit the number of cuts on the lasers; limit the commercial and power users to non-peak times
It was nominated for vote to purchase 1 additional rotary tool from the laser manufacturer Thunder Laser for up to $750 dollars. It was then voted on and approved by all attending members of the Laser Committee.
Member Meeting Report:
- Laser Basics: 684 authorized users.
- Logins: 193 unique logins out of 925 logins, over 31 days. Average: 6 uniques out of 30 logins, per day. (vs. April Average: 6.1 uniques out of 28 logins, per day.)
- Square Payers: 153 unique credit card payers, made 383 transactions, paid $4140 gross. Spike due to $841 payment made by user who was caught underpaying; Board of Directors permanently banned member.
- Square Trends: