July Woodshop Basics class schedule?

Hi makers!

I recently joined DMS with the intent to use the woodshop. After reading the last few months of Wood Shop forum threads it sounds like I’m very much not alone in that intent!

It looks like the Wednesday class is full, and there isn’t another one scheduled all throughout July. Is this because the schedule hasn’t been set yet, or is limiting classes a strategy to help stem the tide of incoming woodworkers over the summer?

If so that’s understandable (given the threads it sounds like there’s quite a few logistics and maintenance issues with the very busy wood shop already) I just want to make sure I’m not spending the money on dues this summer if I won’t be likely to gain access to the shop.

Any info on upcoming schedules (or notifications when classes are created) would be invaluable to me to help me get started.


They haven’t been posted yet but will be in the near future. There is a plan to update the dust collection in the woodshop in July and determining that weekend will happen at the next meeting on July 7th. Just keep an eye out.

I encourage all that want to help the committee thrive to come to the committee meeting on the 7th.


I had scheduled the dulcimer stick making session for Saturday July 16th. If you’ll need to perform the maintenance that weekend, please let me know so that I can reschedule and let all of the volunteers know. If possible I will try to make the committee meeting.

I’m in the same boat. I just joined with the intent of using the wood shop, but I see I cannot do so until I take a seemingly unavailable class. Who do I talk to about this?

Just noticed that I revived this thread from last year. Seems this has been an issue for awhile.