July 2018 Laser Meeting Minutes

(Copying here for posterity)

  1. Winter queue management

  2. Housekeeping new teacher, parts washer before sand blaster.
    Suggested that we make a test cut to determine power output

New classes, including one for fabric cutting with samples.

  1. Infrastructure - Light Burn nearing beta tests. Adobe is all up to date.

  2. Thunder Vector Grid - Has been damaged probably needs to be replaced. Can buy shims in the meantime and possibly stock them.

  3. DIY Cermark - Zinc danger possibilities? Safety concerns mean we think that we should stick with Cermark

Generate a preset master list - Clay

Air assist - Positive pressure is important. When it’s off there is no air at all to push smoke out of the lens’ way.

Possible solutions, drill a hole through the valve so that even when closed there is some air generating positive pressure. Clay said that he might have a solenoid based option that would time out after non-use.

Train the trainer classes for lens cleaning on the horizon. Possibly August.

Clay - Blitzen left belt loose. Time to check and tighten.

Winter is coming… Peak hours needs a definition, time limit.
-Demand should be quantified by laser. Big Thunder has more demand than the Zing.
-We should publish usage rates so users are aware of peak hours.
-Design at home
-Max 2 hours per person. When 2 hours expire, go to the end of queue (if there is no queue, LASER ON!)