playing on the small drill press to jewel a spare piece of brass. I did this with a piece of Cratex abrasive rod which I first had to turn round on the lathe. I normally use a round brush and abrasive compound, but I’m warming up to the cratex.
Very nice, looking forward to another way of textruing my copper
Hi Nick!
I think I showed you the jewling I did on my model Hula-Hula engine that I brought to HAAS class.
One thing that I was taught is that the better the polish on the base metal, the better the jewling effect! High polish is best!!
Also, there are various overlap patterns to use based on the center-center distance. I like to do this type of work on the Bridgeport where I can really control the spacing…
One thing nice about this drill press is it has laser to show where your center is. You can use a fine point sharpie to layout the pattern centers then do it. Of course you’ll be few thousands off what you can do on the Bridgeport.he Bridgeport will do.
Yes correct. Not my first rodeo. I’ve covered all that in my class before. But no need for it to be perfect when I’m just testing the Cratex
Lasers on most of these presses are only valid at a very particular table height. Not sure about new one, but this has been true of woodshop presses.
Nick - cratex is good stuiff man. I used to use pencil erasers chucked into a drill press (break pencil in half) with a little green or white rouge to do jeweling. Works well, but fairly small pattern.
Even if “off” a little, and you can determine that with a test piece, it will be consistently off so after first item polished all will be equally spaced based on the layout marks. You can get consistency in the pattern. It has two lasers that intersect making the location easier to see.
Right now the table is set near the maximum throw so the largest piece you can get in won’t require table adjustment. Most items will probably be under inch and the vast majority under two inches.
This is a nice capability addition and will let people really clean-up and make their work look great.
yes I have found that to be the case. you end up having to use more quill plunge that expected but it can still be a good guide. I’ll show at least 3 or 4 methods to do it. I may even program the haas for a run with the cratex.