Jargon File - Cloud

Undercloud - The physical networking, bare metal hardware, and support services such as (ipam, domain controller, routing/switching devices, bare metal compute servers(gpu/cpu/fpga), network filters, and network attached storage).

IPAM - Internet Protocol address management - typically one’s DNS and DHCP but also includes tracking assignments, and address space, management of vlans, traffic management, QoS and the like.

Overcloud - Virtualized services, change items, and containerized applications. Basicaly if its an *-aaS then its inside the Overcloud.

Cloud - A vapor like mist that can contain finer particulates which coalesce into larger clustering of ephemerial parts. Also, marketing buzzword for virtual private servers and hypervisor technology.

Containers - A standardized containment of a product used in the life cycle for storage, shipping, and delivery of a product or service. See also docker, jails, and/or, LXC.

Domain Controller - An IPAM, netboot, and directory server for managing a cluster of computers from the network. Typically active directory which is an implementation of the following RFCs: 4511, 4120, 1002, 2131, 1035, 4514, 4578/5970, 6595.

PKI - Public Key infrastructure. SSL certificate keychains and certificate authorities (CA) for digital signatures, user management, access management, encryption, and identity management. Think facebook for computers and cypherpunks.

Private Cloud - an on premise or self owned space in a datacenter managing both the undercloud and overcloud.

Public Cloud - an IT marketing term for “someone else’s network, hardware, or datacenter”

DDNS - Dynamically assigned dns for change items, typically assigned at boot time or when accessible to the network.

DNSSD - Service Discovery standards using DNS to publish available services (ie http, ldap, ssh, etc.), thier ports, and priorities. Uses SRV, TXT, A, PTR and specialized names as defined in RFC-6763.

MDNS - Multicast dns which uses the multicasting instead of unicasting/broadcasting to query the network for distributed DNS records. While DNS-SD is implemented via normal unicast dns for static entries or dynamic via DDNS MDNS typically also includes both DDNS and DNS-SD.

Directory Name Services - the DS in DNS, and LDAP. This is an implementation of the x509 standards and can be seen used in PKI, LDAP/Domain controllers, and fully implemented DNS servers that include items from RFC 1183 such as RP, HINFO, LOC, and WKS (well-know services has been superseded by DNS-SD)

Directory - Container of information, either via physical or logical with a defined tree structure

Feel free to add to this, its our hope to have this grow and evolve over time to include things from DevOps, Agile development, IT, and General hackery.

“Cloud” - an IT term for “someone else’s computer.”


that’s more public cloud. but thanks I’ve updated the Jargon file.
