Issues importing .dxf in sheetcam

This is my first time using sheet cam since being certified. I am unable to load toolset. I tried to watch the videos in the dynatorch.pdf. however I am unable to access them. It requires you to log into google and when you do it says that you need permission to view the videos. Is anyone going to be around tomorrow that can show me what I am doing wrong.

This video might be helpful:

or this one

The videos should be accessible on the committee drive as well
\\N:\metalworking\Plasma Cutter\Dynatorch\Class_and_Videos

Are you logging in to Google with your DMS credentials? If not, try that…

I will not be able to be in, but someone else might be.

That is the link for the videos inwas having issues with. I tried to log into Google with my MS credentials. Did not work for me. I also tried to use my google account and it did not work.

Are you having trouble importing a DXF?