RESOLVED ("work-around"): Can't submit event. What am I doing wrong?

I can’t submit my event to the calendar and I’m about at my wits’ end. I’m calling upon the wisdom of the masses–especially those who have successfully posted classes–to help me out.

Basically, after I’ve filled out the “Submit Event” form, uploaded my files, and hit the button, it dumps my data and gives me a string of errors along with a blank form. (Yes, I’ve filled out the form completely with all the required fields.) Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this question. I’ve been struggling to get logged in to the calendar for several weeks. Now that I can log in, it hates my class data and I’m getting really frustrated. :frowning:

Maybe relevant details:
I’m an add-on member on my wife’s account. I logged in and tried submitting the class under her username.
I’ve tried adding myself as a sponsored instructor and got the same result.
I’m trying to schedule the class for 2 PM on November 6 (open time slot).
I’ve set the cost to “0” and max participants to “40.”
I didn’t select a category because none of them apply.
I didn’t select any restrictions or prerequisites, other than the age restriction field (required).

Here’s a summary of the errors, in case any programming types can make sense of it:

Notice (8): Undefined index: sponsored [APP/Controller/EventsController.php, line 1050]
Notice (8): Undefined index: request_honorarium [APP/Controller/EventsController.php, line 1104]
Notice (8): Undefined index: files [APP/Controller/EventsController.php, line 1121]
Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [APP/Controller/EventsController.php, line 1121]
Notice (8): Undefined index: multipart_event [APP/Controller/EventsController.php, line 1144]

I know the new calendar system will be great once the kinks are worked out. I would really like to begin teaching again but I keep hitting a wall. Thanks for your help.

I will PM you for more info.

I still can’t submit a class to the calendar at all. I long to be in purgatory!

Are you not able to login to the calendar system? Something else?

I can login, but the class submission form dumps my info and spits out a bunch of errors. I’ve tried different inputs and I can’t make it work. I think @AlexRhodes is looking into it.

I finally got the class submission to go through. Basically, I just fooled around with different submissions until the form decided not to go error-crazy.

The winning combo was:

Specifying a category for the class (Information Technology?) rather than leaving it at the default (no selection)
Removing an image attachment from the class details section
Leaving “free spaces” at default (0)
Leaving “cost” at default (0)
Changing “cancellation window” to “1” (even though cancellations don’t really matter here)
Changing “age restriction” to 13+ (again, doesn’t really matter for this class)

Whew! Now that’s done, hopefully I can get my class approved and focus on preparing to teach it. I think I’m a pretty average user–not an exceptionally dumb one–but the process has given me a lot of trouble over the past few months.

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Thanks for the update @Michelle! :smile:

I’m tagging @AlexRhodes on this response, so that he knows that you did finally get the class submission to go through; and, to let him know the steps you had to take to make it happen…

I’m going to ‘mark’ this thread as “resolved” (by changing the title); but, will wait a day or so before I lock it - incase you or Alex have anything else to add.

Thanks again!

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Thanks, @LisaSelk, for staying on top of it. There’s probably some tweaks to make–better error reporting on the form, maybe? I’m happy that it did go through and looking forward to teaching again. :slight_smile:

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Sorry I am just now getting back around to this. I have been out of town a lot lately so I am just now getting back into this and will continue to look at it some more.

No worries! I never did figure out which field(s) in the form were causing the problem. But it seems like once any field has an error, all the subsequent ones report an error, too. Not a programmer though, so I’m not much help.

Thanks again, guys.