I’ve searched on Instructables and a few other forums, but no luck…kind of surising, actually. So, does anyone here have a laser-cutter-ready file that mimics these:
They always seem to be out of stock at Lowes Depot at the $10 price point, and my cheap bastard policy prevents me from paying the >100% markup at Walmart or even the 50% markup on Amazon.
I realize it is (sorta) straight forward to jimmy up something on my own, but figured it would just be reinventing the wheel for something that that someone already has in their Laser cutter library.
I dunno, but there is one picture there that’s square-on enough that I could create you a DXF if you can give me one good dimension - the longest possible (the width). Take about 10 minutes.
But seriously for $15, why not just buy the one on Amazon? You’re going to spend nearly that much buying foam to laser cut anyway…
Be sure to factor in one or two mistakes as you try and get the settings dialed for a notoriously difficult material. Foam loves to melt and getting a straight edge on such a thick piece will be difficult. You’ll need the long throw lens for sure.
Thanks. I had already internally agreed with MRs assessment that the $15 price point on Amazon is probably the most cost-effective approach. But I figured it couldn’t hurt to have an SVG file (or whatever), and also others might want it for future reference.
I’ll also probably try and replicate the work and see how close I come to an expert’s result.