ISO Ceramics Teacher Substitute 2022/12/02

I am in need of a substitute with ceramics knowledge for my maternity leave starting at the end of January. I teach 3 high school level ceramics classes, AP 3D, and 2 sections of Art 1 (their entire second semester is 3D art). I will only be gone for 10 weeks, but one of those weeks is Spring break so technically it would be 9 weeks of working. You do not have to be a certified teacher, just have to become a sub in DISD. I can provide all projects/lesson plans. My school is located in Lakewood in East Dallas, we have an A/B block schedule, and I only teach 3 classes a day with an off period every day. Iā€™m not sure about exact pay, but can find out on Monday! Please message me if you may be interested! Thank you!!!

Hi Morgan, I have sent you a pm.

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