Is training required for the foot shear machine?

Is training required for the foot shear machine? I have downloaded it’s manual

No it is not. We do have documentation on the committee drive about it.

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Key thing is note what the maximum gage is for different material: Alum vs Mild Steel vs SS

Good for you! Great 2nd step (the first was asking when you weren’t sure about something!!)

Also, a great resource and de rigeur first stop for anyone here with regard to tool questions is this link:

If you find something out of date or not covered on that page, let the appropriate committee know about it…that’s how things get do-ocracy’d around here. :–)

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Keep in mind it is a foot stomp shear. It takes some force to use. I’d say two Chris units of force. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Key thing is material thickness. Also, when talking about material thickness in gages, be very aware that gage varies in thickness in terms of inches or millimeters, by material type: 20 ga cold rolled steel is .030", mild steel is .036" while while Aluminum is .063". That’s why I prefer giving thickness in inches … even for things not going to the moon. Big thing to know if using steel is it Cold Rolled or Mild Steel (SS is pretty obvious … especially when you buy it) as the hardness is very different.

But as other have said: Good on You for looking it up and asking!

Chart from Shear Manual

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