Came up last night and it wasn’t working and just had blue tape indicating it was down. Thanks
Nope… got it working.
Can we get the LaserSaur added to the tool status board some how?
I was trained on the original laser cutter, and have no idea what the Lasersaurus is. Should I re-take the training class?
Ideally, yes, everyone should take the laser class again which now covers both machines. On the other hand if you’ve already taken the existing laser class for the Full Spectrum Laser machine and read the documentation for the Lasersaur on your own and you don’t fuck it up, I don’t think anyone would care. If someone does fuck it up the hammer will be thrown down and training will be mandatory and electrically logged and tied into the badge system. That’s my two cents. I think the committee chair has the ultimate call which is William.
What I’ve been telling people is: IF you have already taken the class in
the past, RTFM, then have one of us look over your shoulder while you do
your first cut.
… and I had to take it down again… First the BBB messed up, then I find out that the alignment is out.
Has the Lasersaur been repaired or is it still down?
I am a new member and would like to get trained on the laser cutter. What is the quickest way to do this?
I was hoping to get some Lasersaur time in today. Is it back up and running?
Is the Lasersaur still down?
Some say so… It can be used at current with care… @lukeiamyourfather would know more.
The FS one is waiting on a lens.
I used it on Sunday. It worked perfectly except that it had trouble connecting to the server. Per @lukeiamyourfather , if you unplug the Lasersaur for several minutes it will likely reset itself and find the server. That (unplugging) worked and once it was connected (and cutting) it kept the connection and cut just fine.